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The Real History of Ertugrul

Who knew that one TV show could enlighten us in so many ways! As the Muslim world is sucked into the hysteria of Ertugrul and similar...

What is Skin Bleaching?

It's 2020 and people still believe that whiter skin equals to higher status, greater opportunities, and worse of all, just being a...

What is Colorism?

Isolation upon darker skin color have been all over Malaysia. Be it in sports, education, entertainments and even in the corporate...

Print Media VS Digital Tech

A lot have change on print media with the appearance of digital technologies. Print media continue being challenge by digital...

Sociology and Psychology of Colors

We see color everyday on everyday things, our world is filled with colors and colors affect our mind and behavior. For example, it could...

Bachol's Road Trip | Travelog

Took a trip with college friends back in October 2019 to Cameron Highlands. Here is a montage of what we did there. Basically, just crazy...

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